Sorry to take you away from your regularly scheduled HATertainment. The following is me being serious. This is the home for HATe; a place we can rant about all the things we dislike in this world. We rant about movies, cars, and airports. But what does this really say about us? I know for a fact that most of the contributors to this blog are in fact loving and open people who happen to play HATers on the Internet. I sometimes forget that there are still people with real biases and HATred toward others in this world. I forget that not everyone is alright with others because of their skin color or sexual orientation or any number of other equally insignificant reasons.
The fact that there is HATe in this world is something I have a hard time tolerating. I was raised to value other cultures and opinions and I have a hard time even understanding how this HATred and bigotry can still exist. I try to look to the heart of each person not at their skin color or listen to their accent. I know not everyone is like me and, in fact, I love that! We can all learn from each other and become better people for it.
This weekend a very lovely man and his boyfriend were turned away from his sister’s home once her boyfriend found out one of them was black. Even before this they were told they couldn’t sleep in the same bed because they were gay. His sister allowed her partner to discriminate against her brother’s loved one. I just don’t understand this; she is open and loving or at least pretends to be, how can she raise her kids to HATe her brother and his way of life and the people he loves. Family is love and there should be no place in that for HATe. She says, that’s just the way he was brought up. I say, the man is 24 and says he knows about the world, he can shove his experience where the sun doesn’t shine. He should know that not all the things our parents tell us are true and not every opinion our parents have we need to have.
I don’t even know this bigot but I HATe him! He doesn’t know them! He can’t even comprehend that he could be wrong. His beliefs are so obviously right so therefore all the rest of us are wrong. The civil war was over long ago. I can’t believe that these racist ideas still persist